I want to lose weight. My knees are bothering me and my cholesterol is high.
But my husband is retired with time on his hands and he is spending it making
cookies and all kinds of other goodies. He has diabetes, so he makes a lot of
things sugar-free but that doesn't mean the fat is low. I don't want to dissuade
him or harp, but I have asked him to stop. He thinks he's pleasing me. I wish
he would go out and get a part-time job.
Show him your weight and cholesterol reading. In fact, if it's not too
embarrassing, post them on the refrigerator. Whenever he makes something you
shouldn't have, wave the note under his nose and tell him once more why you
shouldn't be eating that kind of food. You could also post job listings on the
Tell him that baking cookies = no sex. I've never known a man to ignore that