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Monday, May 21, 2012

The Programmer and the Lady

Q: What is the attraction of working class men to career women? I'm a programmer. I make a decent salary, I dress well, and (if I may say so) am very intelligent. I have a clear idea of the kind of woman I want: beautiful, a particular height and weight, intelligent, a lady who had a career. But whenever I meet someone who comes close to matching my desires, she didn't want a steady, smart guy like me, she wanted a construction worker, or a biker. I'm honestly perplexed. What's wrong with women these days??
Anne: You mean besides the fact some of us have become as shallow as men? Really, look at your list. You won't consider a beautiful, intelligent woman over a "particular height and weight"? Give me a break. You need to be looking at the woman inside the body, not the outside shell for a real relationship. Looks come and go, but substance lasts forever. 

Dee: Yeah, substance is good, but there's more to it than that. There's something sensual about calloused fingers stroking breasts and legs rather than pampered and manicured hands. Of course, there's the sensation of smoothing your hands over firm muscles instead of flab, and there's also the image of a working man having staying power in the sack because of the shape he's in. No PC, mamby-pamby desk jockey, a working man has the strength and confidence to verbalize what he wants (and what he wants to do to you), and then carry it out, without one eye on the Blackberry and a hand reaching for the cell phone to schedule the next meeting. 

A desk jockey—even a well-paid, intelligent programmer—has a lot to prove. A woman already knows that a bull rider knows what to do with a rope, and that a biker can put something hard and strong between her legs. Prove you can fuck a woman to death rather than code her into boredom, and you might have a shot.