Q: Dear Dee and Anne,
My sister borrows my clothes all the time without asking, then brings them back ruined or messed up. When we were kids it was one thing, but now that we're buying our own sweaters and skirts and paying for dry cleaning, it's a different story. We have keys to each other's apartments but I'm beginning to rethink that. What can I do?
Almost Naked and Broke
Anne: Dear Almost. Your sister is being thoughtless. Have you explained how angry her rudeness makes you feel? Have you tried presenting her with a cleaning bill? Sit her down and tell her in the clearest terms that you do not appreciate her actions. She loves you, so I'm sure once she knows how upset you are, she'll change.
Dee: Hey, Almost. If she can wear your clothes, you can wear hers. I have two words for you: Monica Lewinsky. "Borrow" her most expensive sexy dress and arrange to meet her boyfriend...in the backseat of his car. Make sure he leaves a little deposit and then let her know you have evidence of what he did. She won't be speaking to you--or keeping the guy. That's payback of a sort.
Should you rethink letting her keep a key? Hell yes! A word to the wise: get the key back before you screw her boyfriend or who knows what the bitch will do. Don't worry though, eventually she'll forgive you. Anne always forgives me no matter what I do to her.
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