Q: My sister and I are having a huge argument about our parents' house that we hope you can solve. They have a light green carpet, light yellow drapes and a light blue sofa. I want to paint the walls white and she doesn't. But I mean, if not white, what? What color goes with all of those other things?
Anne: What a strange color combination. Can you replace something in the room…or maybe most things in the room? If not, I can't imagine any color but white going on the walls.
Dee: What color goes with all of those things? What color goes with "stupid question???" Come on. Ask me about how many people fit into a room for an orgy or which fuck toy to use to make your partner scream, and I'm your gal. But paint colors?? Give me a break. Round out the room with light pink. I don't think you would make it any more hideous than I'm sure it already is.
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