This week we have several letters dealing with food and eating issues. We don’t know why. Maybe there’s a full moon? Anyway, here are three letters from different readers that we’re addressing all at once.
Q: My son won’t eat peas. I thought he’d like peas--they’re small, round, easy to pick up and put in his mouth. He plays with them, he doesn’t eat them. Any suggestions?
“Peas” Help
Anne: Hmm. You didn’t say how old he is, but maybe he’s reacting to all the times you tell him not to put small, round things in his mouth? Perhaps you could demonstrate eating peas by picking one up yourself and eating it, making all the appropriate sounds and expressions that show acceptance. Peas are nutritious, so if he doesn’t eat them straight, try putting them in soups and stews that he will eat.
Dee: I have a recipe from the Girardelli chocolate folks for peas and chocolate. Sounds icky, tastes really good. Try mixing the peas with chocolate and see if he likes eating them. Worked for Jack.
Q: My son is 16 and won’t eat anything but pizza, pasta and candy. He sits down at dinner but won’t touch his meat or vegetables--not even potatoes, and I’ve never known a teenaged boy who didn’t like mashed potatoes. What can I do?
Pizza’d Out
Anne: Your son is old enough to know good eating from bad. Explain that there are consequences to poor food choices. If that doesn’t work, ask how he’s ever going to impress a girl if the only place he’ll take her is a pizza parlor? Girls have more sophisticated tastes than pasta, pizza and candy.
Dee: Expand his pizza choices by including meat, fruit and veggies on them. I even have a recipe for a chocolate pizza that includes crème cheese and fruit. Worked for Jack.
Q: This is kind of embarrassing. My boyfriend loves to have me go down on him, but he never returns the favor. He says girls don’t like it the same as guys. I say how does he know since he never does it. Anyway, I’m pissed and need some help, please.
High and Dry in Iowa
Anne: Not that I’m in favor of sex outside marriage, but tell the boyfriend quid pro quo. That’s Latin for, “You want some, Buddy, you give some.” Tell him that his saying girls don’t like it as much as guys shows how little he knows. Then, you might consider changing boyfriends. There are guys out there who appreciate women and their needs more than the dumb jerk you’re currently babysitting.
Dee: Whoo-hoo, Anne! You go, girl!!
My advice—should you decide to stick it out with the dumb ass—is try a little Hershey’s chocolate syrup. Have him dab a little here, dab a little there (you know where I mean), and the word “lick” will take on a whole new meaning. What can I say? Worked, never mind.
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