Q: This may seem like a small problem but my woman and I don't like the same music. At all. I think she's cool in most ways. I mean, she's smart and funny and hot as hell. She tears the sheets up in bed. But I can't stand to be in a car with her. The woman listens to COUNTRY music. Who would think such a hot chick would like music that makes me want to hurl?? If a tune isn't blowing out the speakers with rock guitar, it ain't music, but I can't convince her. She changes the station as soon as we get in my car, and bitches if I tune in my favorite station in hers. More than that, we can't ever go out to nightclubs, concerts or bars because we can't agree on the music style. Is this a deal breaker?
Anne: Different strokes for different folks. You can try to compromise by keeping the station on her choice in her car and your choice in yours, or you could agree you not to listen to music when you're in the car. As for going out, maybe you should both try something new together like jazz or popular. Give and take is the basis for any relationship. Maybe it seems to you it's all give on your part. I think she might feel it's all on her to give. The two of you need to decide how important music is in your lives.
Dee: I hate to tell you, but "…blowing out the speakers" and "tune" are mutually exclusive terms. If God blessed the woman with looks, brains, humor, a healthy sex drive and (evidently) patience since she's dating you, why is she wasting precious time with someone who wonders if her taste in music is a "deal breaker??" Come on, Dude! She should run, not walk, to the nearest country music concert and find a hottie who knows good music--and a good woman--when he comes across it.
Since you don't like country, here's an oldie group who's playing something just for you: Three Dog Night, One is the Loneliest Number. Is that a deal breaker for you?
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