Q: I write erotic romance (competition for you, Dee!). You would know my name if I shared it, and I have developed quite a loyal fan group. The problem I have is that none of my friends or relatives appreciate what I write. They call it porn and won't "soil their minds."
That they don't buy my books isn't the problem—fortunately, plenty of other people do. It's that they denigrate the value of my work. They say I'm not a "real" writer because I don't write the same thing Hemingway or Faulkner did. I don't write "literature." So how can I convince them that I am not only a good writer, I am as accomplished as many people they admire—just in a different genre?
Anne: Maybe they don't like the subject matter, but can't they appreciate your voice, style and wording? If not, then I don't see how you can convince them. You can't change what someone sees if they refuse to look.
Dee: Are you a) competition or b) a sister writer, making her mark alongside mine? You'd better pick b or we're going to have a pissing contest on sales.
This is one of the few times I agree wholeheartedly with sis. If they refuse to see what's in front of them, screw 'em and keep on writing!
And one other thing, erotic romance isn't porn, but what's wrong with porn?
Want to ask us something?
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Monday, May 16, 2011
What's a Little Erotic Romance between Friends?
Anne Krist,
Dee S. Knight,